
Wednesday 2 December 2015

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Saturday 5 April 2014

My closest friend is moving about 10 hours away. We've been growing up together since 2009 through all thick and thin.

Yeah, she's basically like my sister. She's my only friend who truly understands how I feel when being treated as a victim of jealousy. The friendship we have is the kind that only comes along a lifetime.

But I guess this friendship has to come to an end... It really breaks my heart knowing that I won't be seeing her everyday anymore.

I wish I could tell her how much she means to me. But I can't. Knowing that'll only make her feel bad.

I genuinely wish her nothing but the best in her new life.

Friday 21 June 2013

Dear someone...

When I first met you, I never thought that you would mean so much to me. Well, the reason why I'm writing this is to show how much I appreciate you as my true friend. :) 

Anyway, remember when you first said hi? The friendship started by just that. And you had a crush on me hahaha. Yea, I have to admit that you exaggerated a little too much :p you were still a little 'kid' last time. But now, I could see that you're growing into a young man of God :) 

You were there for me during my darkest nights. You sent me some comforting quotes photos. You encouraged me through my struggles. You stayed up late at night just to talk to me. You were my true friend when no one else was. All of above, thank you for that. ^^

Remember that night when we made up silly stories? 'The bee that never stung.' Hahaha :D hmm...and that epic moment at church during my birthday xD I still remember it all. 

I'm sorry for being a little harsh on you at times and for blocking you on twitter. Because I never looked to you as a friend, but just one of my admirers. And I never realized that I've encountered you as my true friend. But I realize it now :)

By the way, isn't it crazy that we chat a lot online but total silence when we meet? Lol. I hope that we'll start talking face-to-face soon. :) I'm glad I met you, I hope you know that. I think that's all bout it. Peace yo;)

FYI: this isn't a love letter. 


Saturday 15 June 2013

Heyy guys. Apologies for not blogging since April. Have been busy, busy, hectic, tired all due to exams, school and yeah :(

Well, the mid-term holidays have come to an end last week. This is one of the most unproductive holidays ever. Pretty sad, huh? Since the last time I blogged, I've been through journeys of 'life'.

Anyway, I'm just gonna summarize what happened since, the good times and bad times. During the holidays, I never did much, only travelled back to Ipoh and Penang, lazed around at home and took part in church activities. Yep, only did like 20% of my to-do-list. But, I thank God for giving me some happy memories during the church activities :).

The weekend before last weekend, there was this 'Amazing Race' event for youths and the Ipoh MYF'ers were invited to join us. Through this, I became close to my friend, Jessica, who was one of my team mates. Although we meet almost every weekend at church, we weren't that close because we never had deep conversations. At that time, I never realized that God gave me a true friend yet.

Till...the next week, there was another event called 'MYF Sunday' which will be held during Sunday service and it's a special occasion for all the MYF'ers. The president of MYF, Hannah, intended to perform a song done with actions or sign language. So, all the girls joined in including Jessica, Winnie, Ruth, Li sim and Hannah. We went to church almost everyday for practises but I missed two because I wasn't around. And yeah, we shared laughter and joy together during the practises :D

Then, the day of performance has come. Gawd, I was shaking the whole time before I went up the stage. Nerve-wracking much. It was a relief when the dance went well but...I was late all the time, lol. It didn't bother me much till one of my friends watched the video and was like ,"you were always late...lol." It kinda hit me, because I'm a sensitive person and he doesn't notice it. Nevermind bout that...I'll skip this part.

Basically, I'm close to most of the MYF'ers now ^^" And wow, that moment when I realized that I've finally encountered my true friends, it was awesome. I can't explain it in words but really...that was the first time I've ever encountered the surroundings of true companionship. The days filled with joy and laughter..:,) Unlike at school...I know that people there are two-faced. 

Friday 26 April 2013


I wish I had a true friend, a true best friend. Someone who changes my life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes me laugh until I can't stop. Someone who makes me believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces me that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for me to open it. This is forever friendship. When I'm down and the world seems dark and empty, my forever friend lifts me up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. That forever friend gets me through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If I turn and walk away, that forever friend follows. If I lose your way, your forever friend guides me and cheers me on. That forever friend holds my hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if I find such a friend, I feel happy and complete because I need not worry. A friend who makes me feel secured, wanted and confident. A forever friend, and forever has no end. ♥

Saturday 6 April 2013

Hey guys, so it's already the 6th of April and it's time for a wake up call from dreaming without taking any action. I know it's pretty late but oh well, its better late than nothing. Haha. Anyway, I'm planning to do resolutions this year for a better change :)

New Year's Resolutions
1. Be closer to God <3 attending MYF every weekend, spending time praying and reading the Bible everyday without fail. It's a must!

2. Earn better grades than last year. I won't really strive for the mid-term exam because it's probably too late and I could've done better if I had studied for the past few months. I'll go for the final exam! 

3. Lose weight and get the curves, hell yeah! I guess I've been lazing around and overeating since last year and caused me to gained some weight. Grrr. 

4. Become a better person. I had really bad years and the pain sort of changed me. Not totally, but partly, like being self-centred at times, insecure, pesimistic and rebellious. So, I'm trying to fix them and become a better person you used to know :) 

5. Help others out there who are hurting. I know that there are people struggling out there and they may have no one to turn to. But it's worth helping them.

6. Join piano lessons again. I stopped piano for 5 months already and have been procrastinating to join the lessons. I'll start this June, hopefully. 

I guess that's about it. I hope that'll happen sooner or later :) 

Wednesday 3 April 2013

; a new chapter of life.

I abandoned my blog for a few months D: I thought my blog died lol. Anyway, here's a collage of selfie's me xD if you compare between my 1-year-ago-look photo and current look, there's like a huge difference eh? I changed my fringe from side to wispy :) and I think I've lost some of my baby cheek fats. Heh.

By the way, how's life peps? It's the usual for me. Hectic, busy, busy, busy. Despite the business, I'll try to update my blog regularly from now on (maybe not :P). Starting of this year, I think it's better than last year's :) and I thank God for that. Reading through my past posts makes me realize how strong I can be. Honestly, I really never thought that I could go through all these trials, depression, anxiety, etc. I used to say this to myself ,"I can never go through this. I'm so weak. I'm not strong enough. Everything is hopeless. I can't do anything.This is impossible." I couldn't seem to cast away all the negative thoughts that seem to be flooding my mind.

But the truth is, strength is always there. "No matter how alone you are feeling, no matter how hopeless you think life is, there is strength. You have so much potential. You're blinded from your abilities. You're blinded from your strength that is so powerful. You're blinded. Open your eyes. See your power. See your strength, because you have so much. You do. You may be thinking, "I have none." But that's not true. Everyone has strength. You may be weak, you may be falling, but you can pick yourself up." -@itslukke

Always keep that in mind :) I know it, because I've been through it before. Trust me, everyone of you out there, has strength, including you! You can do it! If you need any encouragements, you can contact me through Twitter @hueyjenn. You may be a stranger to me, but I'm willing to help you :) God bless<3



jenn :)
I love Jesus ♥
Follow me on Twitter @hueyjenn

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